2023-07-07 19:42

Azot KAO has opened a correctional centre for convicts

Azot KAO
A residential and work centre for inmates has been established at one of the largest chemical enterprises in Kuzbass.

Kuzbass Governor Sergey Tsivilev attended the opening of the site, which functions as a correctional centre (UFIC) at Azot KAO.

"In 2022, we created 475 jobs to serve the sentence of forced labor. Today, we are opening another centre for 162 people. Our task is to employ all those who have taken the path of correction and are willing to work honestly. This will give them the opportunity, while serving their sentence, to learn a profession, earn money and fulfil the financial obligations imposed by the court. After their release, the former convicts will be able to continue working at the enterprise" stressed Sergei Tsivilev.

The constructed centre is a well-appointed hostel near the enterprise in the territory of the Predzavodskoy settlement. The building is equipped by control and access control system for organisation of access control, the post with round-the-clock stay of the personnel on duty is provided, video surveillance system inside the protected object and in the adjoining territory is fulfilled, systems for maintenance of fire safety are installed.

The facility was built and commissioned from scratch in the shortest possible time of eight months. The company used its own funds to equip the site with furniture, equipment, tools and household items, as well as engineering and technical supervision and control tools. The total cost of the project was 200 million roubles.

The staff of the penitentiary service monitor compliance with the established regime in the detention centre.

Convicts are only transferred to production work by court order. A huge list of factors is taken into account for each individual.

Most of the 121 inmates will work at Azot KAO in the repair and construction shop for interior finishing, general construction and repair work. Work places have been allocated for 41 inmates in the engineering and design centre, workshop No. 3, electrical shop, electrical equipment maintenance shop and landscaping shop. Working at the enterprise divisions, inmates will be able to master or restore their skills in such in-demand professions as electrician, roofer, bricklayer, welder, assembler, concrete worker, turner, electric and gas welder.

Azot KAO's general director, Andriy Vishnevsky, said:

Today we are experiencing an acute shortage of blue-collar workers. The opening of the centre will help solve this problem. We are ready, if necessary, to train a person, help him obtain a qualification, and provide a permanent job after he has served his sentence. We already have such examples. They will be able to socialise in our team. I am sure that the staff will help them to do so. It is important that the convicts will be paid for their work. They will have a stable and honest income.
The publication was prepared according to the website of Azot KAO