2023-05-19 17:57

Azot KAO hosted a strategic session of the Kuzbass Environmental Forum

Azot KAO
The participants discussed preparations for the launch of the federal project.

On 16 May, Kemerovo Azot hosted a strategic session of the Kuzbass Environmental Forum 'Preparing for the implementation of the regional project 'Clean Air' in Kemerovo'. The participants of the event discussed how preparations are being made to implement this strategically important project for Kuzbass. "Azot, as the region's leading chemical enterprise, presented its programme for reducing negative emissions.
The main objective of the federal Clean Air project is to improve the environmental situation and reduce emissions of pollutants into the air. The project will involve all mechanisms to reduce emissions and improve the environmental situation in the city.

"By decision of the Government of the Russian Federation from September 1, 2023 the city of Kemerovo will become a participant in the federal project "Clean Air". By the end of 2030, the end of the project, the amount of hazardous emissions of pollutants must be halved compared to 2020. At the moment we have a lot of hard work to do to create an action plan in all areas," commented Oleg Ivlev, Minister of Natural Resources and the Environment of Kuzbass.

As part of the company's environmental policy, Azot annually implements investment programs to reduce the negative impact on the environment. These include the modernisation and technical re-equipment of equipment, and the introduction of the latest technologies to improve product quality and production safety.
For example, in the next 7 years, the plant will implement several major environmental projects to upgrade its production facilities. These measures will reduce emissions by 7,878.2 tonnes (from 2020 levels).
"Azot has a comprehensive environmental programme to reduce negative emissions, under which we plan to reduce emissions by more than half by 2030," said Andrey Vishnevsky, General Director of Azot KAO. - We pay special attention to establishing an integrated environmental monitoring system. At present, seven sources already have automatic control points - ammonia shop 1, 2, hydrogen production shop and 3 nitric acid plants; commissioning works are underway in the sulphuric acid shop. By the end of 2024, it is planned to equip 12 major emission sources with automatic control systems.

One of the main projects of 2022 that allowed reducing nitrogen dioxide and carbon oxide emissions at the Kemerovo enterprise is transition to a new high-temperature catalyst for flue gas treatment in shop No. 15. Other projects at Azot, in preparation for the regional "Clean Air" project, include the transition to a low-temperature selective purification of exhaust gases (nitric acid production), the installation of a new system for cleaning the steam and gas mixture discharge from the grand tower (ammonium nitrate production) and the modernisation of the burner devices in the boilers BGM-35M. The total costs will amount to 5 billion roubles.
The publication was prepared according to the website of Sibdepo