2024-01-18 11:03

AMMONIY AGROTECHNOLOGII OOO has been granted the status of a seed farm

Ammoniy agrotechnologii OOO
On 22 December 2023 the commission of the branch of FGBU "Rosselkhozcenter" of the Republic of Tatarstan on passing the voluntary certification of AMMONIY AGROTECHNOLOGII OOO was held, as a result of which the company was included in the register of seed farms. The document of the certificate of conformity is in the process of production and will be added to the news upon receipt.
Certification was carried out in accordance with the order of FBSU "Rosselkhozcenter" from 24.04.2014 № 68 - OD. During certification the processes of cultivation, complex preparation, packing and sale of seeds were checked for compliance with the requirements of the Voluntary Certification System. Making a decision on certification the Commission takes into account the experience of activity, staffing, state of material and technical base, level of agricultural technology, document management, membership in industry associations and unions of seed growers.

Earlier, on October 04, 2023 by the decision of the Council of the National Union of Plant Breeders and Seed Growers AMMONIY AGROTECHNOLOGII OOO was included in the organisation as an associated member of the Union. Certificate No. 372.
A.S. Manankin, Director of AMMONIY AGROTECHNOLOGII OOO: "Thanks to the united and effective work of the team for three years, AMMONIY AGROTECHNOLOGII OOO has gone from a small micro-enterprise working on an area of 2000 hectares with a team of 6 people, to a serious agricultural producer with a powerful fleet of machinery, two grain drying complexes, warehouses for long-term storage of grain, sowing area of more than 17,000 hectares and a staff of 70 people. The construction of a seed plant is currently underway, with a planned completion date of July 2024. As of today, the farm has already received the status of a seed breeder and has joined the national union of breeders, which will allow it to produce seeds of the highest category not only for its own needs, but also for other participants in the agricultural sector."