2023-09-07 13:22

Azot KAO subsidiary became the first resident of the KuZbass special economic zone

Azot KAO
Azot-2 OOO entered into an agreement with the Government of KuZbass to carry out industrial and production activities on the territory of the special economic zone of industrial production type "KuZbass".

In accordance with the project, a modular liquid carbon dioxide production unit with a capacity of 50 thousand tonnes per year will be built on the site of Azot KAO by 2025. Investments will amount to over 1.1 billion roubles, and it is planned to create at least 45 new high-performance jobs.

Carbon dioxide is used for carbonisation of beverages; it is also in demand in agriculture, metallurgy, mining, medicine, production of fire extinguishers and other spheres.

There are currently eight enterprises in the Siberian Federal District that produce carbon dioxide. The new production will cover the entire demand for liquid carbon dioxide in the SFD.

The peculiarity of Kuzbass carbon dioxide will be its low cost compared to competitors: other companies on the market produce carbon dioxide from natural gas, while Azot-2 OOO will get it from by-product gas in the ammonia production cycle at Azot KAO. Thus, what is currently utilised by the enterprise will become a valuable resource for the new production.
In addition, Azot-2 OOO plans to implement a project for the production of ammonia and granulated urea in SEZ Kuzbass, with investments exceeding RUB 76 billion.

Thanks to its location in SEZ Kuzbass, the company will be able to operate on favourable terms. Resident enterprises can enjoy tax benefits, customs preferences and reduced rent payments.

Let us remind you that the creation of the special economic zone of industrial and production type "Kuzbass" was approved by the Government of the Russian Federation on 22 October 2022. SEZ "Kuzbass" will be located on the territories of Topki municipal district and in the city of Kemerovo. The area will be almost 630 hectares. The Russian Ministry of Economic Development stresses that SEZs are created in economically developed regions where industrial enterprises prevail, there is a developed transport infrastructure, natural resource reserves, and a skilled labour force.
The publication was prepared according to the website of Azot KAO