October 2020

Decision to establish a new company

Decision to establish a new company
On 16 November 2020 a new legal entity—Ammoniy agrotechnologii OOO—was established. Aleksandr Manankin took up as the director.
November 2020

Ammoniy agrotechnologii OOO established

In Tatarstan’s Mendeleyevsky District a team of six workers started the first sowing campaign in an area of 2,000 ha.
May 2021

The first sowing campaign

The first sowing campaign
The first harvesting campaign began, using the company’s own equipment for the first time.
July 2021

The first harvesting campaign

August 2021

Land for a production facility purchased

Design work on the project was started.
September 2021

Grain drying complex construction started

In the company’s first year, its crop yield exceeded the average for the region by 20%.
October 2021

High crop yield figures

We finished converting fallow land for agricultural use, doubling the company’s land reserve from 2,250 to 4,500 ha.
November 2021

Fallow land put into agricultural use

The land reserve was expanded to 6,700 ha. The headcount reached 12. A production facility was constructed and equipped.
January 2022

Land reserve expanded

We decided to build a seed plant and began the design phase. By the end of the year the company’s land reserve was expanded to 10,700 ha. The average crop yield reached 50 centners per hectare.
December 2022

Annual results

July 2023

Seed drying complex commissioned

On 4 October 2023 by a decision of the Council of the National Union of Crop Breeders and Seed Producers, the company joined the organization as an associate member. Certificate No. 372.
October 2023

Registration as a member of the National Union of Crop Breeders and Seed Producers

On 22 December 2023, Ammoniy agrotechnologii OOO participated in a voluntary certification process conducted by a commission at the Rosselkhoztsentr Office for the Republic of Tatarstan. After the commission’s evaluation, the company was officially added to the Seed Production Farm Registry.
December 2023

Inclusion in the Seed Production Farm Registry

By the start of the sowing campaign, the company had 21,000 ha of cultivation area and more than 200 agricultural machines and equipment. The headcount increased to 24.
April 2024

Cultivation area expanded

Cultivation area expanded